Popcorn Fundraiser

Popcorn Fundraiser


Popcorn Fundraiser
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Kicking Off Our Main Fundraiser!<!–

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Popcorn Kickoff!

Hello Pack 214 families,

As this year’s Popcorn Kernel, I’ll be giving you all an earful on all of the details of this year’s fundraiser and hope to make this an a-maize-ing experience! 

The annual Trails-End Popcorn fundraiser is a great way to help scouts raise money.  73% of every dollar goes back to Scouting, with 33% of that total going directly to your scout’s account to be used to pay for scouting dues, campouts, and activities throughout the year.  Lions are exempt from the fundraiser, though you and they can certainly participate if you like.  Each scout has a goal of $300.  Families with multiple scouts within the pack have a reduced goal of $75 per other scout(s). Also, there is a $100 opt-out option for those who do not wish to participate in the fundraiser.

There are multiple, easy ways to help your scout sell popcorn, but first…please take a second to download the Trails-End app or sign in to their website to create a parent profile for yourself for your scout. 

Link to Trail’s End website HERE.

The app will come in very handy and will be necessary if you sign up for a “show and sell” and or want to sell popcorn within your neighborhood as a “wagon sale”.  When you register, it will likely ask you for the following information:

Council: Mecklenburg County

District: Etowah district

Unit: Pack 214

Now, back to various ways to help your scout sell popcorn!

These include:

  • Social Media

  • Show & Sells

  • On-Line Sales

  • Door Hangers

  • Wagon Sales

OPTION ONE: Use the “auto share” feature on the app and/or through social media. 

Once you have registered, you can set up your scout’s profile to include a photo, a quick message about them, their den, pack, and the fundraiser.  One of the major benefits of having the profile set up is that it makes it super easy for you to send an email/text to friends and family via their “auto share” feature. “Auto share” lets you send that prefab message out to people that you select from your contacts list on your phone.  I tried out this feature about a week ago by sending it out to about 15 friends and family, and it resulted in over $250 of direct online sales, which pretty much covered the bulk of the popcorn sales goal in less than 5 minutes of activity on my part.

OPTION TWO: Sign up for a “show and sell” time.

Beginning this coming weekend and running through the next few weeks…we will be hosting various “show and Sell” opportunities.  You and your scout can sign up for a shift of two hours.  All of the money raised at the show and sell slots will be equally divided based on the number of shifts people claim.  We ask that you please initially sign up only for one shift at this point to give everyone in the pack an opportunity to participate.   Over the weekend, we will send out a follow-up email letting people know that it is OK to sign up for a second shift, etc. and then it is all fair game! 

Please note:

  • A parent or guardian is required to be there with their scout.

  • This is not a drop-off/pick-up event.

  • Please have your scout dressed in their pack uniform. 

To sign up for a show and sell popcorn slot click HERE.

OPTION THREE: Use the app in-person to sell and have the popcorn delivered directly to them via the mail with an “online” sale. 

This option works well on the spot with coworkers, neighbors, friends, etc. where you do not have the actual product in hand!

OPTION FOUR: Door hangers. 

Have your scout place door hangers on the homes within your neighborhood. These doorhangers allow you to put your scout’s name and their web ID # (listed on the dashboard of the Trails-End app/website)where they can go to the website and purchase directly from your scout’s page. 

OPTION FIVE: Run a “wagon sale”!

You and your scout can check out up to $300 of popcorn to have product to sell on hand to your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, etc. A wagon sale is where you actually have the physical products to sell and can log sales on the app.  Some have gone door to door and others have set up more of a “lemonade stand” type of popcorn stand within their neighborhoods.

I’m happy to help answer any questions and will provide more info directly to those who sign up for shifts for the show and sells so that everyone knows the lay of the land on the what’s, why’s, and how’s of the show and sells coming up. 

Happy selling season everyone!

Kevin “The Kernel” Spitzmiller

(704) 650-6479

[email protected]

Register for a SHOW & SELL – Click HERE!

Register for a SHOW & SELL – Click HERE!

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Source: Cubby Notes 2018 – 2019